5 tips for a successful ERP implementation

The Gordian knot has been cut. You are opting for a new ERP system and you have been given the responsibility for the implementation. What do you have to consider? And what pitfalls should you avoid? Boudewijn Beenen, project manager at Mysolution, helps you on your way with 5 tips.

1. Create working groups with the right people
Put the responsibility for a knowledge domain with several people, create working groups. Ideally, a working group consists of 2 to 3 people. 2 people know more than 1 and they can challenge each other to find the best solution. But who are the right people to form a working group? Of course, first and foremost, they must be very skilled in their profession in a specific knowledge domain (such as remuneration or back office). In addition, it is important that they can work well together. They will have to build bridges with other departments / working groups. Certainly in the case of an integrated package such as Mysolution, it is very important to coordinate the processes of different departments.

2. Allow the employees involved sufficient time
An ERP implementation is teamwork. For the best result, the consultants of the supplier are nowhere without the right input from the customer and vice versa. Contributing to an implementation takes time and requires working groups that are 'dedicated'. Make sure that these people are really freed up for the implementation process. When a consultant comes on site for 1 day, this means 2 days of work for the working group.

3. Provide a good preparation
Everyone is in the starting blocks, the implementation process can begin! Always start getting familiar with the new software. Make sure that the supplier gives sufficient explanation about the software and let the key users turn the knobs themselves by giving them exercises. When they are familiar with the general use of the software, they are better able to think about the specific implementation and they are more comfortable during testing.

4. Involve end users in the implementation process
A change in the organisation always causes some agitation on the work floor, and that goes for new business software as well. Ensure a smooth transition to the new software by also involving your end users in the implementation. Keep them informed about the progress of the project. For example, create enthusiasm by occasionally demonstrating a part of the software already set up. You can also involve end users in testing the work instructions that the working groups create. In this way you make them involved and it is an extra check to see if everything is well organised.

5. Spread your energy
An implementation process is an intensive project. Make sure that it does not become too heavy, so the result is not negatively affected. Do not immediately include too many optimisations when first going live. First focus on the 'must haves' and keep 'nice to haves' for optimisation after going live.

By Boudewijn Beenen
Projectmanager Mysolution
